Psychosynthesis guidance & therapy
Psychosynthesis is a development path that helps you discover who you really are, what your potential is and how you can give concrete shape to this in your life and work.
Wim offers individual psychosocial counseling & psychosynthesis therapy in his Practice for Psychosynthesis on the Lijnbaansgracht in the Jordaan area of Amsterdam and online.
CMG CLICKDOC Videoconsult is used for online consultations. This means that the practice complies with the GDPR and therefore has no influence on the reimbursement from the supplementary insurance.
In addition to online video consultations, an appointment can be made for an individual consultation at the practice on the Lijnbaansgracht.
You can immediately schedule a video consultation and a consultation in the practice via the online agenda of the practice.
At the time of the appointment for a video consultation, you can use your computer, tablet or smartphone with a personal login code to access the digital waiting room of the Practice for Psychosynthesis Amsterdam for a video consultation.
Psychosynthesis counseling is reimbursed in the Netherlands as Psychosocial therapy and is reimbursed by the additional health insurance.
Check your policy or ask your health insurance for the conditions.
On the website of the N.F.G. to which the practice is affiliated is a list of the various health insurers in the Netherlands with which contracts have been concluded and an overview of the different packages and the associated reimbursements.
The practice is exempt from VAT.
It may be that your employer or benefits agency is willing to reimburse all or part of the guidance and support you in your process.
The employer can contact the Practice and inquire about the possibilities.
What kind of help can you get in the practice?
- Stress-related symptoms such as exhaustion or burnout.
- Working Therapeutically with Gender & Sexual Diversities
- Need to research: Who am I and what do I want!
- Problems related to chronic illness and incapacity for work.
- Support with recovery and reintegration after illness or loss of work.
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Psychotrauma, Primal wounding
- Problems around Identity and Autonomy
In Psychosynthesis, the relationship between therapist and client is one of the most essential aspects. In this relationship a context is created in which the process of awareness, development and healing can take place.
That is why I offer you the opportunity to meet and see if there is a ‘click’
If you want to know more about what Psychosynthesis could mean for you, make an appointment for an introductory meeting or contact the Practice.
You are most welcome!

Interviewed by Evart G. Loomis, MD of Holistic Medicine, Roberto Assagioli, founder of Psychosynthesis, explains what Psychosynthesis is.
“Psychosynthesis is essentially an attitude – the attitude of the teacher, healer, or therapist toward life in general. In a general sense, Psychosynthesis brings together different and sometimes contradictory elements as an organic whole.”
Sometimes it is important that there is someone who walks with you, watches you, listens to you. Someone who is present and involved
Below you will find a number of themes that I work with and that I have an affinity with as an experience expert.
Stress is one of the leading causes of illness today. You could say that we can only enter two states. We are either in relaxation or in stress. Either we go for it or we avoid and avoid tensions. We live in fear or in love. Our system can only be in one state at a time. And the state you are in determines how you experience yourself now.
Loss & Mourning
Sometimes you get stuck in your loss experiences and it is not possible to really allow your grief and to continue working. It could be the loss and mourning for a loved one or the loss of your health, work, and income. You can also mourn what you have to let go in order to be who or what you want to be in the development of your identity where you are looking for who you really are.
Search for Meaning & Spirituality
We ourselves give meaning and purpose to our lives and to the things or activities we do. In Psychosynthesis we look at your personal experiences with meaning and spirituality. Sometimes unpleasant or burdensome experiences from one’s own religious tradition play a role that hinder further growth and development of one’s own spiritual development.
Sexuality and Gender
It still appears to be difficult for many men and women to accept and to express their sexual identity. Of course, identity is not only determined by your sexual orientation, but a healthy and free sexual development and acceptance of your own orientation is important for a healthy development of the personality.