About Wim Verbeek
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A Frisian from Amsterdam
I was born in 1962 in the Frisian countryside. My parents, the church and the village gave me a number of essential values as baggage; as a basic equipment for life.
“You will get the boy out of the village, but not the village out of the boy.”

An Amsterdam Frisian
Citizen of Amsterdam since 2000. I live and work in the Jordaan, one of the most beautiful places in the city. A city that has been praised and described by many singers, poets and writers as a city where ‘anything is possible’.

Coach, counselor, therapist and gardener
Our allotment garden is my favorite place to relax and connect with the processes of nature. My head settles, my heart relaxes and my body grounds. A place where, in contrast to the ‘movement of the city’, I can experience the natural rhythm of the seasons. A rhythm that we are unfortunately less familiar with due to the 24-hour economy.

Believer doubter
Grown up and became familiar with the Reformed tradition. (Reformed Liberated) The ‘big story’ of this tradition provided me with answers to life questions and personal experiences, with which I could connect less and less. My personal story no longer fitted into that ‘big story’. I went in search of other stories and traditions, for other rituals and symbols to find new meaning for my personal experiences. I became a religious seeker.
Work experience and education
I worked in health care for over 15 years as a male nurse, 7 years of which in a general hospital and later as principal mail nurse in a care center for the elderly.
In 1998 I completed the Social Work & Services training at the ‘Hanze Hogeschool’, Graduate School of Groningen. After that I worked for several years as a corporate social worker for various organizations.
I followed the basic Psychosynthesis training at the Institute for Psychosynthesis and the professional training at the Psychosynthesis Academy.
- Bodywork
- Individual systemic work
- IoPT Constellation method aimed at identity development
- Counseling in sexual abuse and violence
- Primal Wounding, Early childhood trauma
The practice is affiliated with the professional association the NFG and the umbrella organization RBCZ, which guarantees the quality of the service provided by, among other things, participation in supervision, intervision and further training.